Peer Mentoring

We want to ensure all NUS College students are supported, especially through the first years when things feel new and unfamiliar. The NUS College Mentorship Programme was set up to ensure every first-year student in the NUS College community has a senior they can turn to – especially regarding academic concerns.

Once you’re accepted into NUS College, you will be assigned to a peer mentor who will typically be a senior from your faculty.


  1. Assist first-year undergraduates in their transition to University life by:
    • Giving guidance on questions from seniors
    • Familiarising them with academic life and requirements
  2. Facilitate student access to academic information and resources. These sources include:
    • Seniors in the NUS College community
    • Faculty advisors
    • Other members of faculty in NUS
    • College and respective home faculties
    • NUS College administrative staff
    • Information available in print and online

    At the same time, peer mentors seek to empower students to help themselves by finding or validating information as much as possible on their own time.

  3. Foster a sense of community through peer guidance and by linking up incoming first-years to the current NUS College community.
  4. Assist Special Programmes with the growth mentoring of senior students. 

In line with its objectives, the NUS College Mentorship Programme also strives to introduce first-years to non-academic opportunities like NUS CCAs, NUS College interest groups, and networking opportunities with seniors and alumni.