The NUSC Curriculum

Let’s take a closer look at the NUSC College curriculum and these 14 courses. They comprise foundational and common courses, a wide array of advanced interdisciplinary electives, and a team-based project. NUS College will help students piece all courses together to ensure they graduate with critical competencies, a global orientation and the ability to make connections – preparing all to shape the future with confidence.

Foundational & Common
Critical Competencies
  • Thinking with Writing
  • Reasoning with Data
  • Understanding the Social World: Singapore & Beyond
  • Computational Problem Solving
Foundational & Common
Global Orientation
  • Global Narratives
  • Global Social Thought
  • Science and Society
Interdisciplinary Electives
Making Connections

Includes Global Experience Course, NUS Overseas Colleges and other study-abroad opportunities

Team-Based Project
Impact Experience
Students collaborating for positive impact in our community

Your Four-Year Roadmap

Graduation Requirements

Details on the NUS College curriculum and how it interacts with your degree can be found below and the Course Listings page:

To receive an NUS College graduation certificate, this includes:

  1. Completing the NUS College courses required for pairing with your major,
  2. Fulfilling the compulsory Global Pathways requirement,
  3. Completing your degree programme with at least Honours (Merit), and
  4. Fulfilling the compulsory two-year residential requirement at NUS College.

If your course mapping sounds daunting, there are Academic Affairs team advisors and Peer Mentors ready to guide you. You may also find out more information via our FAQs.