Regional IEX

Regional Impact Experience (IEX) Projects

IEx projects happen both locally and regionally. Local projects are carried out with and for communities in Singapore, while regional projects engage with various communities across Southeast Asia.

Regional IEx projects require travel to project countries during recess and/or vacation weeks for studies, fieldwork and working alongside communities. Therefore, students who take on regional IEx projects will be considered to have fulfilled both the NUSC Impact Experience and NUSC Global Pathways graduation requirements.

Regional IEx fall under three clusters: Science and Technology, Arts and Design, and Civic and Community.

Ongoing Projects

Below are snippets of our current batch of IEx students during their regional recce trips. 

Cluster: Science & Tech

IEx students on a Philippines field trip, learning to work with bamboo, which is a highly sustainable material.

Cluster: Arts & Design

Students during their recce trip to Kampung Bangau in Sabah, Malaysia where they learned more about the community through the work and interactions with local NGO Borneo Komrad (Borneo Comrade).

Cluster: Civic & Community

Students at the Huay Pakkoot Elephant Village in Thailand, up close with elephants and learning about elephant tourism, training, conservation, and care from locals.

Cluster Science and Technology
Topic Marine Conservation
Location Bali, Indonesia
Abstract The project group will work alongside coral farmers to develop a system to optimise coral growth within a laboratory setting. Through partnering with the marine organisation, Sea Communities, the group aims to aid the livelihood of fishermen by improving the operational processes that are in place.
Cluster Art and Design
Topic Enhancing Community-led Tourism
Location Sabah, Malaysia
Abstract The project focuses on enhancing community-based tourism in Kampung Bangau. This will be achieved through creating a YouTube channel to promote the village and its water-based activities, and collaborating with NGO Borneo Comrade. The goal is to establish a lasting digital presence for Kampung Bangau.
Cluster Civic and Community
Topic Food Security
Location Chiang Mai, Thailand
Abstract Through working with tutal upland communities, the project group will work towards addressing the gaps between food insecurity and mainstream food production, the dilution of social relationships due to the shift to market-oriented food production, and health problems associated with chemical exposure (fertilisers and pesticides).